Thursday, February 01, 2007

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Terrorism

Boston, Massachusetts shut down from terrorism scare when two men placed magnetic, lit-up thingies of the Mooninite characters from the Adult Swim cartoon Aqua Teen Hunger Force:
Further proof that TV does create senseless chaos, inane violence and worthless rabble-rousing. I am outraged; as though "humor" were a shield for any person to hide behind. I will immediately request for the removal of Aqua Teen Hunger Force from Adult Swim, the destruction of every show ever made by these artists lest they cause more harm and finally petition for the death penalty for these two monsters before they do more lasting damage.

You have to watch the videos that go along with the news story. In a grave manner the news reporter announces that the two artists in charge of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force ad campaign broke a law recently instated in Boston: "that makes it illegal to plant a hoax device." Am I the only one torn between rage and hysterical laughter?

Oh, good.

I'm also conflicted at the reporters' snarky demands of how Stevens and Berdovsky felt guilty knowing they caused city-wide chaos. What are you supposed to say to that? "I'm sorry your momma raised you to be an idiot." One newscaster said, "Children were left stranded for hours at school." Think of the children! Won't somebody please think of the children!!!!


Meghan said...

P.S. Thanks for the sending me this link, Shannon.

Anonymous said...

Anytime! My favorite part about this story was how the "bombs" were up for THREE WEEKS before they caused such mass panic. People are smart!

Shannie Annie

Angelie said...

I love that all the videos it's obvious that one of the mooninites is flipping the finger- unedited in the live footage, and taped over in the copy on set. This is EXACTLY the sort of thing that happens on Aqua Teen anyway, except no zombies.

About the Author said...

My Megs...when you come come with a bang...look at you blog girl!

Awesome Sean said...

so much for the come back.... it has been ages...

Meghan said...

The least you could do is keep my infant post company with a comment!

And a comeback must come naturally.

Anonymous said...