Saturday, February 24, 2007

Culture and Such

Have you ever wanted to swing from chandeliers, play with ladders & water glasses and jump on beds? Yeah, me too. You should go to the circus. Sean and I, Angel, Monica and Laina went yesterday and my goodness! Our wish list for the circus: Angel liked the trapeze artist (mainly because she had glitter in her hair and carried a gigantic red fan), Monica enjoyed the giggly Italian midget lady who dangled from huge balloons, Laina and I were taken with the girls in silky, undergarments who danced on swinging chandeliers and Sean was intrigued by the guys who balanced within a silver hoop (sort of like Leonardo's Vitruvian man) and there was a fantastic section where a man and a woman both balanced in the same hoop. It was pretty sexy.
Sean and I have been exploring the culture Texas has to offer since we've been down here. For Valentine's Day Sean took me to see Tchaikovsky's Romeo & Juliet at the Dallas Symphony Orchestra which was splendid. Scrumptulescent you might say. Tchaikovsky's piece is so engrossing (and so easily recognizable) and the symphony hall is apparently the second best in the world. Amazing date material there if you're looking for a hint. And Sean and I lucked out with both the symphony and Cirque du Soleil as we upgraded to better seats both times. So with a little exploration, Texas isn't too bad. I'm liking the results.

1 comment:

About the Author said...

Amazing how many public auditorium type places are 2nd in the world/nation...