Monday, April 02, 2007

We Few, We Happy Few

<--Sort of how I feel after spending three days straight (with classes [including an astronomy class with a major exam] for breaks and minimal sleep) trying to squeeze the answer to the question "Who is Shakespeare's Henry V?" in a four page paper. If you are not familiar with Shaky Shake's Prince Hal that question is like, "Summarize the nature of God in two paragraphs." That analogy is confined strictly to difficulty and does not reflect Henry's similarity to God.

So, the jury is still out on my grade but I landed on the correct thesis (well, according to me and the prof) and my worn little paper earned my battle-weary affection.

1 comment:

Shannon Long said...

Ok, forgive me, I’ve never seen this movie but I’m laughing because the short guy looking up and the taller blood-stained guy is totally saying: “BRO! You’re TOTALLY covered in that dude’s blood, bro!”

PS- I need to stop listening in the gym...