Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Greek Homework

"Another form of art was the Greek drama, which consisted mostly of tragedies about Agamemnon and Clytemnestra written by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. The Greek drama was based upon well-known stories, so that one always knew what was coming next, just as one does today. As the stone Theatre of Dionysus was not built until later, the audience sat on tiers of wooden benches and wished they were dead."
-The Decline and Fall of Practically Everybody by Will Cupy

Play practice is going well. I finally started just having fun with it. Apparently I remind Monica of Cap. Jack Sparrow...I always end up with the weirdest alter egos in play: Paris Hilton, Las Vegas showgirl "Autumn." What can I say? I'm a girl of many talents.
Lillie's shirt popped open during the run-through tonight which was rather awkward but at least it happened during a tech run-through and not a show.

Oh and as a side-note, if you've ever tried complimenting me, you'll have noticed how difficult it is as I despise compliments most particularly about my appearance. Sean discovered the trick of getting me to willingly accept them, which is complimenting me in a inverted, pervasive, sarcastic manner. Other people might find it odd, but I find it really sexy. I'd give some examples but frankly that's not the business of cyberspace.


Thomas Peters said...

yes, being able to pay good compliments is important to any relationship (as is getting past the persons defences when necessary).

decline and fall of practically everybody? great book. Now I wonder where you got that... :)

oh, when can I see the play for free? :P

Kate said...

It took a full 2 months before Liam could compliment me without a protest, and then only because he insisted that my protests were an insult to his taste and honesty, and frankly insulting to him. It took 8 months to learn to take them gracefully and believe them. But totally worth it.

Insult my judgement, taste, and honesty all you want Meghan, I still hold that you are a lovely young lady with a dynamic, pretty face to go with your dynamic, sparkling wit. So there. :-P

Meghan said...

Tonight! Come if you can. Sean's going tonight. Other than that you're shit out of luck.

Meghan said...

Awww, thanks, Kate. Oh and when the hell are you going to come around more? Come to the film society next week. We're showing Millions which Beiting says is a completely endearing British comedy.