Friday, November 11, 2005


Wisdom of Dr. Beiting: Taxes just never go away. They've been around for millenia and will continue so because you can't get rid of them. Rather like toe fungus in that regard.

I would like to extend an apology to Thom for surrending to the word verification but I was so damn sick of being teased by the Russian mail order bride spam that I had to. (Every time I saw it I'd think, "Yes! worm-hole to Russian desperation!" and then no, crushed again.) But at least now, anonymous people can comment, but tell me who you are!

Opening night was lovely but not as lovely as the rose I got from an Irish boy last night for dress rehersal. Things came together tonight really well. I was hideously nervous last night, realizing I hadn't fully developed my character in the details. Tonight was easier as everyone had high energy, and I threw in some extra things; I managed to get laughs before my first line which is always nice for the ego. (If my ego had form and matter it would be a Chia pet in the shape of a sheep.)
The highlights of the play are as follows:
  • Mel's unibrow (her character's center is within the's true)
  • Lillie's eyebrows (she looks perpetually and demonically scheming)
  • Theo's accent (wacked out, irregular and that awkward voice-change squeak)
  • Corwin's Crazy Eyes (don't even ask but that's the most scared I've been all week)
  • my face dirt (I'm far better looking dirty. I should have been a medieval)
  • Henri, the lamb (I'm stealing him at the end of the show because I like snuggling with him)

Wish us luck for the rest of the week.

Update at 11:27 p.m. because I forgot to include this. I cried laughing. This is what theology studies does for people with an over-abundance of irony. Good one, Thom.

Don't eat bugs. Come on folks, I thought this would be a no-brainer but Zebarel over here has a "little" problem with this it seems.... oh okay, fine, if you want to eat some bugs, eat "the ones whose legs are above their feet," because if you've already got a bug close enough to your face to where you can figure that one out you might as well go ahead and eat it at that point. (Lev. 11:20) ... I mean't grasshoppers, people, grass-hop-pers... do I have to spell everything out for you? ONLY Grasshoppers. Sorry Jiminy Cricket this isn't your lucky day (Lev. 11:22).


Princess Torie said...

I saw the elves... Meg's: again congrats on a fantabulous show! I was thinking about it when I woke up and I think that you all just did a wonderful job! I agree with stealing Henri - I think he would make a marvelous mascot for GH! :) With a face only a mother could love! :)

Brigid said...


even though i am not there, i know you will do an amazing job playing whichever character you play. I have complete faith in you, especially after seeing you dish out your fairy-talent this summer!! i know you will do fantastic... and as far as you sleeping too much. Are you anemic? ask Mel.. she will know.. get some iron, Milo!! you cant fall asleep while trying to commit crimes against humanity!!

Thomas Peters said...

Brilliant performance, Kate! Truly an inspired rendition! You had me busting a gut with such unpresumptious lines as "oh, it's litte."!

In matter of fact, the performance was so good that I think it'll be worth the trouble of typing in "JUMVLXH" as a word verification to compliment you. :)

Meghan said...

Thanks, Tor, you gave my the confidence to continue with the toe-flossing scene.

Brigid, once again, I wish you were here. And I'll see about the iron for the sake of the triumverate.

Corwin, your crazy eyes are overwhelming, I mean, seriously.

quasi-Petrucio, I'm so glad you came and you LIKED it! And thank goodness something made you conquer your contempt for word verification.