Sunday, December 18, 2005

H. for the H. : Day Two


  • Still annoying mother. No adverse effects as yet.
  • Couldn't sleep in this morning. Happy got so much sleep yesterday.
  • Yahoo now working.
  • Above picture is goal for end of break.
  • Still hoping to visit Mich. for New Years.
  • Bought Black Current "nektar" from Polish store in Little Warsaw, Cleveland after Mass. Disproportionately excited about this.
  • Brother's party went well. Got to talk to brother, Josh and sister-in-law Korie. Josh liked present and wrapping. (I gave him a framed B&W photo of him and Dad on their bikes; gift wrapped in black pinstripe fabric with red looked sweet.) Feel successful as a result.
  • Don't feel like a working, but am hoping nektar will act as incentive. If that fails I can always irritate mother until she locks me in the basement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"H to the izzo,.." oh, umm...i'm sorry. things like that just slip out sometimes. miss you! ~ mona:-)