Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy Hogmanay

Once friendship becomes a highly fragile, intangible animal to be treated delicately and with kid gloves, you know you've grown old. In this Purgatorial pit-stop of frienships with no eye contact people spend their time making single-serving best friends based upon convenience.

However, this state of emotional catatonia can be dispersed with the advent of a friend who speaks to your soul. These friends are generally recognized at first sight or within the first conversation. Because these frienships can take hard-knocks. They are earthy, gritty and physical. Even if the ratio of time here with Friend and time away from Friend is dismally off-kilter it doesn't change. The same damn jokes are as unfailingly funny. Moses Usher is still present as the third wheel; Independence is still the Stepford of Northeastern Ohio; "Snuggle" is still fodder for mockery; literature is still discussed with a sense of ownership; stuffed animals have kung-fu fights and are used as projectile weapons at one friend's anger at the effects of Gaming upon the other *cough*; and of course the relief that friends manage to grow in roughly the same direction. And grow up. *cough*Voldemort *cough*

The beautiful thing with this is, once you start these friendships more naturally follow. Then, if you're lucky, you find one soul who can speak worlds to you in a glance until you don't even know what this is that you have, in this gossamer thread of glances. You find that it has taken possession of you until every movement of your heart moves with the motion of the other. This new year, my resolution is to celebrate the people I can't live without.

In further news, I found one more reason to wish I was still in Edinburg. Apparently, the Scottish celebration of New Year's Eve, is one of the biggest, smashing-est of the year. Also, it's called Hogmanay which is one the the sweetest words I have ever heard in my life.

So Happy Hogmanay!


Thomas Peters said...

I can only tip my hat at your refulgent display of wit.

Cheers and best wishes for '06!

Brigid said...

Happy New Year, Meghan :)
-fellow axis of evil co-dictator,
Mikhail Kalishnikov

Anonymous said...

darling! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! can't wait to bring it in with you!!! ~ mona:-)

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for writing something that made my cry with both happiness and missing you at the same time.

Meghan said...

Well, what can I say? It's true. Mushy though it may sound my friendship with you changed my life.