Saturday, December 17, 2005

Home for the Holidays : Part One

I have been home for approximately eighteen hours, and I slept for about thirteen of them. Thus far, it's a decent break, but I already miss Sean and the internet won't let me check my yahoo account. I have been a brat for the past few waking hours in my attempt to deal with returning to the den of iniquity, I mean my house. (I kid, I kid!) Anyway, my mom and I have spent a nice few hours together, and so far my mom is patiently tolerating my mouthiness.

I'm going to learn a skill this break and since we have an espresso machine, I shall teach myself how to make yummy drinks. First attempt: moderate (but not stellar) success; I shall keep everyone updated.

I started re-reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe last night, and I will try to get ahead on my reading for 19th century lit class.

I was going to work late into the night but my brother Josh called me early this morning (well, 1 p.m. because my brother does not understand the joys of sleeping in late as he is, repulsively and bizarrely, a morning person) to let me know he was having his birthday party at his apartment tonight, and if I didn't come he would come and murder me in my sleep...or hold me down while the dogs licked my face. My brother and are just now rediscovering our familial closeness which generally manifests itself in trying to beat each other up. Anyway, I'm going to that tonight. I'm not at all sure how that will go as I am most definately not a party girl. I never know what to do at a party and I generally wind up being really bored and chain smoking. But I know a couple of his friends and my cousin Luke is supposed to be there so it probably won't be too weird.

The Home Alone poster has little to no bearing upon this blog (except to inform my gentle readers that it is 58% off!) but on Thursday Sean and I were trying to judge how vastly our age group was influenced by the Home Alone movies. How much were you formed by Mackuley Culkin's portrayal in the early 90s?


Brigid said...

When I was just a wee seven years of age I used to run home from school (because I wasnt homeschooled and therefore I could run to home from school) and watch Home Alone... everyday I remember doing this in my second grade year.

I was incredibly influenced by Mickaly (sp??) esp. the part when he is eating the ice cream.. I always thought he was eating eggs on it, but I just discovered months ago that they are marshmallows.


Thomas said...

Home Alone infulentual to the early 90s? None at all I hope. that was a movie about as bad as my grammer and speeling.....well nothing is actually that bad. take care meghan and get some rest.

Meghan said...

Brigid, even now when I do laundry I think of him dumping the entire box of detergent in the machine. When I'm feeling particularly...cantankerous, I want to do that. And if I ever wanted to run home after school, I'd run around the house a couple times, then collapse through the front door.

Tom, I think that the only reason you deny the influence is because you are a couple years older. All it takes is a handful of months to hold one apart from a particular pop culture frenzy. I'm sorry. You missed "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." *Shakes head*

Emily, I enjoy your novels. And my parents' furnace still scares the crap out me when I'm by myself.

Thomas Peters said...

i watched the movie innumerable times as a kid. but we had it on VHS and I would always fastward it to the part where he begins setting up his traps. the cool song that plays as he's running home. the entire movie eventually got wrecked from so much fast-forwarding and overwatching of the last 20 minutes. :)

Anonymous said... slay me! i loved your depiction of the homeschooler's "running home" absolutely HYSTERICAL!!!
tchuss! ~ mona:-)

Meghan said...

ahh, VHS. Good times, back in the day. Not really, at all.

Mona! My fellow homeschooler! I miss you! When are you going to call me?

Anonymous said... that was the interesting "passowrd" that i had to tyre in ot leave a message here...yes..very interesting so I thought that I would share!

Home Alone...influencing? Considering that I have only seen the last twenty minutes of the film (as my friend Thom points out seems to be the best)this past semester at Ave...its not surprising that I do not find the film to be a big deal in my life at all...but thats hardly surprising to most of you I bet since you have all discovered my bubble I am sure! Anyway...just got back home yesterday from a trip to DC for the baptism of my Goddaughter...and she is cute!!! I slpet most of the day...but will be a bit more prevelent in the days to come...hope to see you all some time soon! Miss you already...although reading blogs does releive some of the pain.

Ahh...I smell the word stove...need some Hot Chocolate and a book...Love, Brendan

Meghan said...

Brendan! Yeah! Welcome to my bubble!

Anonymous said...

dear all, upon further consideration i have decided that meghan's portrayal of a homeschooler's "running home" was, in fact, the spitting image of my early memories of "gym class". my mom, when wanting to expend our energy, would make us go outside and run around the house anywhere from 10-30 times. yay "P.E". anywho, just the thought makes me laugh out loud. way too funny!
lol ~ mona:-)