Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Spinning Intellectual Wheels

Update : Day Four/Five

  • Made another cup of coffee with the espresso machine. This attempt far more successful than the first. Added chocolate syrup. Hmm, now thinking about making another cup.
  • Read more of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe only to find that the blue bottle on the window sill is dead in the book. For the visual aspect of the film I think it was a good choice to resurrect the little bugger.
  • Mother finally getting impatient with me mainly because my work is preventing us from bonding/shopping. I look forward to the bonding but the shopping...*shudder*.
  • Rediscovered that if you leave your food unattended in this house it's fair game. What's that about?! "Here's a half eaten sandwich. It looks tasty. Maybe the maker of said masterpiece is done with it." I would like to point out I was away from my food for mere moments, no matter what the culprit may claim.
  • And finally, upon examining portraits of the author John Milton (pictured above), my opinion of him is confirmed. His creation of Adam and Eve is absolutely morbid as is his attempt to capture unfallen human nature. And this upsets me not only for the incorrect analysis of femininity (and therefore the marital union in general) but also for the unjust portrayal of God Himself. In Paradise Lost God basically stacked the deck against humanity. Thus while Milton admits to free will the already weakened nature of our first parents was so perilous what else was there but to sin? In summation, (as I can't rewrite my paper in this blog) Eve's main gift is likewise her main weakness (i.e. her beauty) while Adam's main weakness is his love for Eve. Meh?! She, in her nature is the Achilles' heel of the Garden. However, this is simply typical of British Puritan theology; Puritanism is almost dualist in their opinion of the body so naturally Milton would be antagonist toward beauty and marriage. Yet, as I said this all makes sense if you look at his picture. Is it just me or does he look like a pedantic, arrogant, self-absorbed bore?


Brigid said...

yea, cool update.

Anonymous said...

brigid...i LOVE your profile. aboslutely PERFECT!! can we get together PLEASE?? ~ mona:-)
ps. oh and you too!lol.

Thomas Peters said...

hmm, the blue BOTTLE on the window sill? fruedian slip much? "home" is really "rehab" isn't it?!! :P

Meghan said...

Emily, shopping, especially this time of year, is more purgatorial than enjoyable.

Brigid & Mona, yeah, I'm still jealous, I still miss you, and I still want to visit.

Thom, thank for exposing my secret! You think you can trust someone...No, actually it IS a blue-bottle beetle and in the first chapter Lewis merely calls it a blue-bottle.

Dah! stupid word verification!

Anonymous said...

wotd: jeshaj....maybe a muslim/arab version of jesus? maybe they're finally trying to reconcile themselves to that idea....or maybe not and it's just a dumb word verification. *sigh* life is never what you think it is.
~ mona