Monday, December 05, 2005

You know you're reaching for distractions from work when now, now, at this time and no other, you should floss your teeth. In further news I have discovered that the roof of my mouth is ticklish. Odd. I would never have guessed that possible.


Thomas Peters said...

gee, I wonder how one could discover that.

Mel said...

story of my life...

Meghan said...
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Meghan said...

Thom, you have one overtired Ave student and some dental grad school making you forget Ave life? Senile.

Mel, not only do I understand, I empathize.

Thomas Peters said...

lol, well, I might have been faltering briefly for a moment there, but reading your incoherent response instantly recalled me to the "Ave state of mind."



Princess Torie said...

If Thom is *senile* and he graduated from the "Ave State of Mind" (now to be referred to as ASOM) in '05 - what does that make 04 grads???
scary thought.

Thomas Peters said...

stark. raving. mad.

Meghan said...

Yeah, I wish I'd made my discovery in a more fun manner, but you'll have that. Madness is the one thing I have to look forward to at this point. That and the hope for a two week hibernation.

Princess Torie said...

stark. raving. mad.
hmmmm, I like it.
SRM - signing out.