Friday, January 13, 2006

The Obnoxiously Antiquated Inexplicit Vocabulary

One day in the girls' dorm last semester we were rather bored and decided to peruse the dictionary to find a new word to learn. And we found an excellent word. A word of such a phospherescent, cyclopian measure of goodness that we all memorized it. Upon checking my yahoo account today what do I find as word of the day? This same word waiting for me in my box.

Word of the Day for Friday January 13, 2006

sesquipedalian \ses-kwuh-puh-DAYL-yuhn\, adjective:
1. Given to or characterized by the use of long words.
2. Long and ponderous; having many syllables.
noun: A long word.

I take this to be a sign of encouragement for the coming semester as such a bonding experience comes full circle.

...Wow, do I have a life? I never considered myself an academic nerd before. Although...a certain gentleman was complimenting me one night this past week and the phrase that caught me blushing with pleasure was not "beautiful" but "very intelligent." That may be rather indicative. Of course, being thought beautiful never hurt anyone either.


Thomas Peters said...

Heck, or you could have your cake and eat it too:

"beautifully intelligent."


Thomas Peters said...

mmmm. cake.

Anonymous said...

that actually sounds really good....the cake, that is. wow. i can feel the "intelligent" part of me slowly slipping away into oblivion. i love that word. anywho, that's all.
~ mona:-)

Thomas Peters said...

you really need to add a link to my awesome website on your almost-as-awesome website.

Where there is gold... said...

Hey Pretty Lady,

You are almost as bad as me! Yesterday Jb and I spent about 45 minutes on the internet looking up longest words in different langauages. I thought it was a perfect day for such ventures! It must have been someting in the air. Anywho, we also found the longest name for a town and it is:


The name means "The church of St. Mary in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave".

You can find it in Wales.

I think that it is deffinitally a sesquipedalian word.

Sweet huh?


Mel said...

hehe... she said "sesquipedalian"

I miss you, MeggieBear! Come to my room to hang out sometime, or something like that... I've got a new plot afoot!

Black Mona said...

hey meggy-bear(and everyone else!)
i finally got a blog!!*cheering in the background* so here's the link: enjoy! i can't say that i'll update much, but it'll be a sort of;-) ciao~ mona