Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fat Tuesday, or What You Will

Immediately following Shakespeare Theo and I decided to celebrate Fat Tuesday. So we walked down to "The Keg" and bought the most decadent ice cream we could find. We then toasted ("Toast! I like toast.") to the hope that this semester will not kill our love of education. In spite of the frigid cold wind, we sat on the quad wrapped in blankets reading Twelfth Night. Just because we wanted to. It was heady. Dr. Beiting shouted at us that it was not spring yet, but after we reminded him of Fat Tuesday I think he was somewhat reconciled.

And now for some quotes

  • "Ladies, the odds are good but the goods are odd." ~ Dr. Beiting, on the men in Alaska

  • "Away! away! for I will fly to thee." Ode to a Nightingale John Keats

  • Justin: "I locked my inner child in a closet and beat him with a sock full of batteries. Did you starve your inner child, Sean?" Sean: "No, I overfed him like a goldfish until he burst at the seams."


Brigid said...

Love the quotes. LOVE THEM

Mel said...

no really, LOVE THEM!!


Black Mona said...

- mussolini

Meghan said...

Oh, you Axis!