Saturday, March 11, 2006

Death Comes To Us All

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands

Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic, the so-called "butcher of the
Balkans" being tried for war crimes after orchestrating a decade of bloodshed
that killed 250,000 people and broke up his country, was found dead Saturday in
his prison cell. He was 64.

And so the final surviving member of the Triumpherate dies.


Black Mona said...

*funeral march song* dun dun dun-dun dun-da-dun-dih-dun-da-dun....*single tear* what WILL the Axis do now??

Thomas Peters said...

you can't let this get you down Milosevic. I sure haven't.

Meghan said...

Your advice is both encouraging and callous. I thank you.

Mel said...


How will we ever survive without our last surviving member to do our bidding the land of the living?

Ahh well, at least we have an excuse for a party :-)

Thomas Peters said...

btw, I think your son needs an intervention - he's looking a little bit vacant:

Brigid said...

You can imagine my intrigue as I turned on the proverbial television from my chateau nestled in the mountain on the coast of Napflion in Greece only to hear that our dear last surviving axis co-dicator bit the dust..... by heart attack, no less. Damn, you Milo! I told you to go light on the donuts!

And so the axis is complete. We have a number for you, Milo. And that number is whatever the hell day it was when he died.


Louise said...

I took a dump in your bed!

See you tonight.