Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What Happens...

...when you blend anachronisms...
...a motley, disgruntled, over-studied audience...
...a black woman playing the angel Gabriel...
...foot flossing...
...out of control eye brows...
...a strange brew...
...and a baby doll as Jesus...
Oh my.


Mel said...

Pretty Birdie!!!!

Good times, Good times.

Good luck on your finals and papers, Meg! I'm right next door if you need me.

-Melissa "the Unibrow of Doom" VandeVoorde

Black Mona said...

good times good times, indeed. too bad i didn't join earlier...we might have had some REAL fun!

About the Author said...

dywojdsi...yes that is the word of the day...Russian maybe?

Anyway...nice collage on last semester's show, gave me some bittersweet smiles! and a pleasant source of procrastination that I can ill afford right now...but what the heck?

Bonam Fortunam to all you finalists and term paper writers all!