Friday, July 21, 2006

The Kid

At a juncture such as this one I have one of two choices: I might shambled back into the protected woods of cyber isolation or return to the civilized lifestyle of excessive self-analysis and the amusement of the masses. Evidently, my choice has been made. Now the question is do I attempt a recap of the, um bit of time, which has passed undocumented? This is a question which I think has wide appeal; many of us lazy bloggers are left wondering about such things. Maybe I can venture into the world of capitalism by writing a how-to book on the etiquette of blogging. I know Thom would buy a copy, and then tell me what I was lacking.

The summer, progressed. I have learned the life of a college student living in a city apartment between terms. Do you know what this entails? Working whenever one gets the opportunity and then stewing over the fact that one is over-qualified for every job offered and every job one might want requires about 17 years of further schooling. I am shocked that any college student survives living on her own under such conditions. Though I'm beginning to think that it is indeed worse for me and my compatriots because the stifling economy is offering us a lot of free time to ponder. OK, I use hyperbole for effect. It is not that dire. I am actually immensely enjoying the bizarre stage which is the present. I have the freedom long dreamt of yet I still feel like a child pretending to be grown up. Does life have this feeling for a while? Natalie and I got really exited that we were picking up Laina from the airport because, good night, doesn't that sound exotic and pretentiously adult? We wondered whether the rest of adulthood is going to be that interesting for its newness. (I'm thinking yes since it will only get newer and more foreign: 'You must be graduation. I've heard so much about you. Why hello, Marriage, have we met? Oh, morning sickness, chubby babies and late night feedings, welcome! Carreer conflicts, moving, family reunions, arthritis, grandchildren!' I mean, you've got the think that if a person has the right attitude life is just going to get better and better, right?)

"How come you're talking so much?" -Butch
"I dunno. Naturally blabby I guess." -The Kid
See you tomorrow.


Thomas said...

Arthritis is over least someone is enjoying this state of life.

Louise said...

Meg, I miss you. :(

Anonymous said...

I must say I do love your posts :-) It's true - this is a crazy state in life. All the best,