Monday, August 28, 2006

I've Made a Huge Mistake

Just kidding.

I love Dallas.

Yeah, love it.

Coming to UD after attending a school that was doing its best imitation of the Titanic sinking is immensely refreshing. Though the powers that be behind the alma mater are still doing their level best to make things overly complex. Apparently UD has not yet received certain promised financial aid. It's incredibly unfortunate that certain difficulties are souring my memory of AMC; those were some of the best years of my life thus far yet this traumatic conclusion is spoiling quite a bit. It's very much like malicious ventriloquism with a corpse. that as it may.

I underwent a brief lecture from my faculty advisor who is fast becoming a favorite of mine. He treats me with a fatherly concern and dismissal that is very homey. He warned me to be wary of surrendering too easily to my theater bug at the expense of my other studies since grad school is on the radar. That was a wise bit of information...but I'm already trying to figure out a way around it. He then said, "So what do you want to do with your life?"
"Um, do you want the entire run down or are you looking for the abbreviation?"
"Whichever is most enlightening."
"Well, I have the classic problem of a woman pursuing higher education because, obviously, I want an good degree and a fulfilling job, but I also want to get married within the next couple of years. By the way, my boyfriend is new to the grad school this semester, so you may meet him..."
At this point, he leaned back knowingly in the chair, tilted his chin back and -- I kid you not -- pressed the tips of his fingers together. This is the classic, adult, "You are young and dumb; how precious; I'll give you the next five minutes to correct it."
"Might I ask a question of you?"
"You're going to ask me if I followed my boyfriend down here, aren't you?" He laughed at this.
"Yes, one of the 'get the degree to get the marriage' ploys."
"No, no, don't worry. My literature professor from AMC recommmended UD for the lit department long before Sean decided to come. I thought long and hard about the University."
"Ok Ok, I'm glad to hear it."
It was really great to have that kind of bemused concern from a faculty member I just met. And all that being said, I am so happy Sean and I can both go to UD for further education. It's a wonderful place, I'm really enjoying myself and it makes it that much more real since Sean is here as well. Sort of the difference between black & white and techni-color. It's a huge relief actually. I made up my mind that since Sean was coming to UD I couldn't just to prove that I wasn't following him. Thank goodness that was proven wrong. Because this prolonged meeting of our paths made my life loads better and far, far more fun.


Black Mona said...

Whew!!! boy am i glad we got THAT all straightened out. :-D can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

I love it. Adults are the same everywhere, no matter how far you go. :)