Thursday, August 10, 2006

Scrabble Goddesses

My salad days continue on as I wrap up all of my effects before I move back home, then on to Dallas. Last night Natalie and I bought Scrabble on an impulse, and then rediscovered why we didn't like the game when we were kids. We are now determined to become masters of the game. I am currently rather lonely this morning as Natalie left earlier. However, the gang of older gentlemen who root through the dumpster directly below my living room window generally keep me company. Whenever I hear the familiar rustle and bang of glass on metal and I attempt to avoid walking past the window (the Dumpster Rooters are about eye-level with my shins) I feel that much less lonely.

Before she left, Natalie deemed that has become almost necessary for me to wean myself off of Red Hot Chili Peppers, at least temporarily. Her primary reason for this demand was because last night I dreamed that Anthony, the lead singer of RHCP, drove me to Dallas in a red Neon. Now I feel I should point out that while I enjoyed the trip with Anthony, for the duration of the trip I was anticipating meeting up with Sean (who was driving another compact car). So even in my subconscious I have my priorities ordered.


Anonymous said...

Xe!! Darling Punxie, did I tell you I later dreamed that night in subtitles composed entirely of scrabble tiles?! Oh dear. Regardless, I believe another game is in order...most especially since I believe some Jack is left in your freezer...that is unless you shared it with the dumpster diggers?? Xo, Asia

Meghan said...

Hmm, more Scrabble and Jack are most definately in order. Possibly tonight...

And reading in dreams is supposedly a virtual impossibility. I heard that in the movie "Waking Life" yet I have likewise heard people claim they manage it. Maybe you just INFER what you're reading rather than actually reading the words. (I refuse to entertain the thought that Dr. Beiting might be wrong. ;) I open the floor for discussion.

Thomas Peters said...

The word verification for this post is "evzokiwa" - wow, that's gotta be .. 1-4-12-1-4-1-4-1 ... yep, 28 points just based on tiles. double word score? 56! double word plus double letter or triple letter? triple word?

oh my.

Anyway, Scrabble, Jack and Anthony of RHCP. What could make a better summer?

Anyway, I cruise back into A2 around nine. I presume we are doing an awesome send-off for you? Yes? Yes. okay, ttfn.

Thomas Peters said...

I wrote an incredibly brilliant reply to what everyone has been saying - but Google lost it.

I'm not writing it all out again.

See ya tonight (I presume). I'll be cruising back into A2 about 9.

Thomas Peters said...

(oh hey! it didn't lost it! okay maybe "incredibly brilliant" is overstating it... how about "rather amusing"? ... oh fine, I'll talk "barely readable.")

Thomas Peters said...

"it didn't lost it"?

what the hell kind of sentence is that?! I apologize to everyone reading this. Out.

Meghan said...

It sounds like you've already been enjoying some Jack and maybe a little Anthony as some background noise. Yes, we should indulge in a send off. It seems that some time between 9:30 and 10 is the plan thus far. Bring games and ideas as to how to top off this decadent summer.