Wednesday, September 06, 2006

BIG Update

To continue the bug news: Brigid and I saw a gargantuan water bug (a distant relative of the cockroach). The little bastard ran at us at a demonically high speed and then promptly disappeared. Brigid and I screamed heartily.


Thomas Peters said...

Yeah, hallucinations scare the crap out of me too.

Brigid said...

you forgot to mention the gecko.

seriously, "what the hell IS that!?"

Mel said...

I'm just glad I never had to ask the question, "Is everything really BIGGER in Texas?"

But anyway, it's not like we dictators don't give a hearty scream once in a while to clear out the lungs. Or whatever.

About the Author said...

I wouldn't have expected less of you...screaming is good.