Monday, September 04, 2006

Everything Is Bigger In Texas

I realize this is a state-pride thing but why the bugs? I think they are just taking it too far. I mean, seriously, must they be the size of dinosaurs?!

And now we have to be concerned for their health issues as well?!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I would cry if I saw that in real life. Big scare me.

How's life in Texas? Have you seen a Bush yet?


-Shannie annie

Anonymous said...

I hope this isn't wierd to say, but it's really great to hear you're happy. Best wishes,


(PS - I hope you don't think I'm some wierd stalker, I was just thinking about you.)

About the Author said...

Glad to see that you are doing well, and be careful, I have heard that cancer ridden cockroach populations can be unpleasant!

I tried posting on my blog, but the seminary computers seem to have an issue with my blog and refused to post. Hopefully that will be resolved soon and I can post again!

Say hey to everybody down there for me! Love you all!

Meghan said...

Hello, friends!

First, big is indeed disgusting. Trust me. Second, no Bushes yet, and I'm OK with that. Third, it's good to hear from you, Korie. I hope all is well. Fourth, I will relay message, Brendon. I hope seminary is treating you well.