Monday, September 18, 2006

On the Spot

(Yes, Sean. I am continuing the worst joke of the day.)

Brief update before I dash off to Reigel's for Jr. Poet readings.

1) I love talking to my boyfiend. Much can be said for some gentle masculine logic when one is upset. Sean almost always knows what to say. He's good to have around.
2) I miss Shannon. Very much.
3) 24 hours is not nearly enough time to get sthings done.
4) The Jr. Poet will kill me.
5) I love UD
6) I'm so thankful Brigid, with her well-aimed sarcasm, is my roommate
7) Education is destroying my sense of humor:
Sean: you look nice today.
Meghan: (wearing a new polka dot shirt) Do you like my shirt?
Sean: Um, I think so.
Meghan: I bought it so I could be easily spotted.
Polka dot pun! Burn.

OK, now for some poetry reading.


Brigid said...

where is the no-legged dog?

right where you left him.



back to Am. Lit class.

Black Mona said...

lol. i love the run-down, honest i do, but where am i?
- Confused and Saddened in Hickory Creek