Saturday, September 30, 2006

One Year (...and a day)

Sean McNally and I just enjoyed a one year anniversary celebration yesterday! Sean bought me this tea set from Scotland as my present and then we went to Cool Rivers one of the better resturants in the area. The best of Cool Rivers was their imported beer. I believe that when we started dating Sean and I both claimed to think that it was silly to have dating anniversaries and whatnot; yet when you realize that you've accomplished a year of dating and all the history that goes along with that, it's most certainly worth celebrating. So my year old statement is retracted and I'm looking forward to future celebrations.


Anonymous said...

I never claimed that....

Meghan said...

...hmm, maybe I was the surly one, and you merely mentioned the "one week anniversary"..."two month anniversary"..."three and a half month anniversary" obsession. Regardless, a year has been accomplished and year anniversaries are now widely regarded as excellent. The bar has been raised. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you came to this conclusion on this, the 5 year 3 month 6 day anniversary of our friendship.
-Shannie Annie

PS- No, you hang up first!

Thomas said...

Intresting, you both caught on to the why's of anversiries. Remebering is always a good thing. But anywho, I'm glad both of you seem happy.