Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Departed

Sean, Michael and I went to see The Departed last night. In case you had missed The AviatorLeonardo Dicaprio can actually act. He stands up very respectably against the taxing presence of both Jack Nickelson and Martin Sheen. Thank goodness he came out of The Beach slump so thouroughly.
Possibly the one thing I would change about the movie is more Mark Walberg screentime. All he has to do is breathe on screen to get an audience reaction. Remember the Calvin Klein ads? Oh, Marky Mark you're so hot. Never saw a lasting career coming out of that. Anyway, you should see The Departed.


Anonymous said...

Tom and I went to see The Wicker Man. I felt like I should have worn black to the death of Nicholas Cage's career.
-Shannie Annie

PS- I want a picture of myself where I have the same facial expression as Mr. Mark.

Meghan said...

Nicholas Cage has always been very hit and miss. He's the man who made both Matchstick Men and Wild at Heart. He'll probably survive if only because he can do his own car stunts.

And, Shannon, we can't all be as cool as Marky.

Anonymous said...

Check your mail!!!!!

Thomas Peters said...

That picture of Mark Walberg seems to lack focus - just like his life!

... get it?!!?!!!



anyway, I want to go see the Departed soon. Tried to this weekend but didn't pan out. So much for dreams.

Anonymous said...

Thom, Dave and I went to see it just a week ago; it was extremely intense and well-made, in my opinion. I think I'm a little too sensitive for the violence and language-- I felt rather ill by the end-- but I thought that it conveyed accurately what it hoped to. Also, the three of us got about an hour of discussion out of it, talking about the possible hidden messages in the movie referring to the barrenness of evil and fruitfulness of good. I recommend it, but suggest that anyone with as weak a constitution as I to proceed with caution! :P