Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Week of Extremes

My week: draining, humbling, scary, amusing, lovely. I will communicate with some coherence at some later date in my life, not before.

Immediate question of this week: will I survive this last push of the Jr. Poet class without being reduced to tears? Doubtful, but the jury is still out.
Primary question of this week: given that college is not the definitive aspect of my existence (think goodness) and there is a whole life out there after college, is this experience making me a more capable person able to handle other more important questions of life? Absolutely, yes.
Sean's proof that I will succeed in my panel November 17th: I know the correct spelling of "Eliot" (Note: most assuredly not "Elliot")
Will I continue to love Eliot after this "marriage" of minds for the J.Po. class: yes, much more so even, but our relationship cannot last in the long run because frankly, he's just too serious (i.e. ponderously erudite) for me. This lacking in Eliot was made even clearer yesterday, because I could relish the company of the other man in my life, and Eliot's only serious rival, Sean f. We enjoyed a lovely study session together in the library during which he pounded me in the game of Proximity with the most absurdly thorough consistency I have ever experienced. He clearly was using a rigged game because that is just not possible. How many 20s can one side receive?!?!?! Oh, look at the Proximity picture, Sean! The Blue Armies must be yours. I won the Scrabble game though. That's the only thing that's saving my ego. That and the serenade from the gentleman in the next room. Overall, this week has been a Ring of Fire. Frightening, taxing, and wonderful.

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