Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hard to Concentrate

Drive-by update
  • Jr. Poet panel went well. Enjoyed it immensely. Received invitation from Dr. Gregory to "get together and chat about Eliot" which I will totally do if that comes to fruition.
  • Exhausted from Jr. Poet and still am. Mentally checked out from college.
  • Freshman flirted with Sean shamelessly until she found out he was dating me. First time I've wanted to punch another girl in the face since I was about twelve. Still get angry when I see her. Don't know why.
  • Birthday: Got lots of messages from people. Made me very happy. But I enjoyed Sean's gifts the most as they were amazing. He knows what I like; it's actually almost startling.
  • Thanksgiving at Dagny's was wonderful. Her family was very welcoming, the food was delightful as can only be expected from Dagny, I played tennis for the first since...um, age twelve, chilled out in hot tub, built a fire, played Scrabble, met adorable blond three year old. It was good (wow, weirdest picture assembly ever. I'm afraid to do anything now.)
  • Now, Sean is busy with papers and I am in extreme post-Thanksgiving funk which my Mom defines as an excessively contemplative analysis of one's life (often beginning with one's birth). We'll see what comes of that. At the moment though I think it will help me with my Eliot imitation poem.
I hope this post is somewhat satisfactory. Feedback welcome.


Meghan said...

I tried fixing the pictures four times. I apologize.

Anonymous said...

Feel better. E-mail me. Love you. OXOXO
-Shannie Annie

PS- Is Sean wearing argyle? Is that the mandatory uniform of the future college professor? Remind me to tell Tom about that so they can have stuff to tease each other about when they meet... ( I can see it now: “You’re wearing argyle!” “Your hair is RED!”)

Black Mona said...

YAY for updates! and i totally know what you're talking about with the whole contemplative stage.....it's completely setting in on my now. speaking of which....advent starts this sunday!

Anonymous said...

Hey Megs, I missed your posts, so thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about your post-holiday depression but I totally understand... at least, I know I myself didn't want to return to the real world of work and responsibility

Louise said...
