Friday, December 01, 2006


I call it "Keeping the Flame of Education Burning: or Playing with Candle Wax."


Anonymous said...

hilarious, who's the hot chick?

Anonymous said...

Wow, they let you have candles in the dorms? Don't burn down the place! (Heaven forbid something bad happen to TEXAS)
-Shannie Annie

Meghan said...

"allow" is subjective.

Louise said...

I am so excited that you and Angul are rooming together! Maybe I'll hitchhike there. Call me sometime!

About the Author said...

So Pyromaniacism runs in the family...that explains a lot...well not really, but it sounded good.

Black Mona said...

or maybe it should be titled: "One reason why UD dormlife is better than Ave's?"

haha. hey guess what? i'm in your dorm room RIGHT NOW.

be very scared.=)

Thomas Peters said...

making up words only impresses the people who don't know you're making up words, Brendan.