Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Love in Hell

Dante oh Dante, why must you drag me through hell for your love?
My heart aches to sun myself in the glorious rays of your beauty
(As well as a good grade from Russell to boost my GPA and my chia pet ego)
Knowing my devotion, why do you not shower my brain with genius?
Oh no, ever taciturn, you draw me along on a tease and
uninspired I trip in my own dark wood, without a light for guidance
or a hand to steady me. Left to my own devices and Red Bull,
I make myself blind in a sickly, cyber glow, alone and lonely as the night
wanes into pale morn. If you'd only smile on me tonight for a moment
I could surrender myself to the searing burns of this agony,
but you've turned away. Will you return to me with the coming dawn,
or do I long for you in vain...................

Oh my gosh, I'm sick. Maybe I should try writing my damn paper.


Mel said...

maybe next time you should lay off the RedBull...

get back to work!!!

Meghan said...

Stop stiffling me!!

Princess Torie said...

Megs - read my comment back to you on Justin's blog.
also, I think Dante could be another source of the world's tribulation... the complexity of his love has turned many others away from the truth he conceals and they too are left to their own devices... red bull and the like... you know these sorts... people like Wagner. And then look what happens. Scary. :)
Just a thought!