Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Strange Bedfellows

I went to bed at 7 a.m. Paper was not finished but I'd hit a wall coherence-wise (which only happened after I drank coffee against my better judgment). I was feeling a little guilty, but as I stumbled into my room and flopped into bed next to Louise she asked me how everything went and I responded in polysyllabic words and complicated sentence structures with apparently no discernable order. Ah well, at least I could end the day with entertaining mockery from a good friend/married bedfellow. And it was really nice chatting with Louise last night about all and sundry. Hopefully she stays in my room a couple more night this week? But anyway, guess what? Dante class was cancelled today and Ancient Greece subsisted of Mrs. Beiting showing art slides while bickering with Dr. Beiting so it was educational, low-key and really really funny. I'm a little concerned about how the seniors are doing with their papers since I found that all Dr. R's classes were cancelled today. Last night Sean had gotten to the point where all his noctural, isolated nights devoted entirely to one subject spilled over in a verbose insanity so I'm hoping he's recovering now despite the anti-climax of having class cancelled.

P.S. Mrs. Beiting showed this image of The Winged Victory in class today and I fell in love with it. I feel that it is also indicative of the relative successes won last night by the people who stayed up writings papers. The victory is glorious...but the statue lost her head...and on that note I'm retiring to bed.


Thomas Peters said...

beautiful post. please trust that I remain ever in solidarity with you and all who share your plight. :)

Meghan said...

Thank you. Solidarity is essential as insanity loves company...I won't be sleeping tonight either if I get some more Red Bull...

Louise said...

Cancelled classes are choice.

Muggie Megs, has anyone ever told you that you have the cutest little snore? It put me to sleep. Thanks for letting me stay with you!

I will be over on Thursday night, by the way. Love you.

Thomas Peters said...

red bull can stop your heart. go easy on em.

Thomas Peters said...

alternate them with coffee and cigarettes, I guess is what I'm saying... a balanced diet is the key to a balanced life. :)

Meghan said...

Weezy it made it tons easy having you around.

Oh and I SNORE?!?! I've never been told that...maybe it was the Red Bull. We'll find out Thursday.

Thom, balanced diet, balanced life, huh? It's a wonder college students survive till their senior year.

Princess Torie said...

Megs -
Thanks for the picture... she is one of my very favorites... another happy thought of Paris! :)
Anyway, happy that you got some sleep and I am hoping last night went well for you. I sympathize with all of you.
love to you!