Friday, November 25, 2005

The Shinning

Happy Thanksgiving! It was great seeing my family, particularly my sister, Dawn and her family. The kids just get cuter and more entertaining. I definately wish I could have spent more time with Dawn, but we'll just have to plan better next time.

Also, I saw "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." And yeah, everyone was right...the development of Willy Wonka's character was a complete disappointment. (As is the picture quality of every picture of said Wonka. Meh.) Dahl would be very peeved.

So now I'm back on campus. Everyone is either gone or ill. It's snowy, freezing and I have nothing but work to do. All work and no play. I've been here for approximately fifty minutes and I'm ready to chew my own leg off. Something must be done about this. This cannot be healthy. Thank goodness we don't have elevators in Gabriel...


Thomas Peters said...

get on AIM fool!

wotd: hebhw... (kinda close to "hebrew"! Cool? Nope.)

Meghan said...

Well, if you were around your computer AIM might be more effective. Nerd.

Thomas Peters said...

doofus, if you had more patience we might stop missing each other.

Meghan said...

Your irrationality is monolithic, goober. It does not seem healthy to base our friendship around appointments never kept.

Thomas Peters said...

ice princess, your presumption defies all reason. it seems unhealthy to play-out massive amounts of transference in light of your deep-seated guilt-association tendencies.

Meghan said...

While your polysyllabic turns of phrase are impressive I cannot permit the attempt to side-step the main issue. I believe you are begging the question and your circular logic lends nothing but ill will. Shall we stop the charade?

Meghan said...


Thomas Peters said...

so what your saying is... I win. Right, Schmooky-ookums?

Meghan said...

If you think that the attempt to return to the main issue (ignoring the various minor whims which you have thrown in) is your victory you are mistaken. I would prefer to drag this cadaverous conversation out of no-man's-land back into the realm of reality, Boo-boo.

Thomas Peters said...

reality it is, squanto my faithful indian companion!

Brigid said...

whoa now little doggies... let's calm the **** down!

-Bwiggy :)