Monday, December 19, 2005


Upate : Day Three

  • Yahoo not working again. Am getting slightly frustrated. Should pray that this is opportunity for increase in patience. But would rather pout. However, it is almost impossible to pout when you realize you could be increasing in virtue as we speak! if you'd just do something about it.
  • My puppy is snoring right now. She'd been following me around up till today, and now she's chilling on the armchair showing me she doesn't need me if I insist on keeping odd hours.
  • It's 14 degrees outside right now v. gray and unappealing.
  • Wow, this is a boring blog.


Anonymous said...

on the contrary!!! i have been laughing for the last ten minutes reading your blog and other's responses. i live for diversions like this so please keep it up!
-am happy. should be happier, but missing dear friend. wish she'd come back. will sign off now.
~ mona:-)

Thomas said...

It's supposedly the loggest word in the english langguage. But there are some medical terms that are longer, I think the longest is 33 letters. But I don't recall what it is. Buck up Meghan, it's warm down there compared to here.

Brigid said...

yea, so im not going to feign my defense of your complex in your post...but dammit, it would be so cool if you were here-- we could hang out at bombadil's just reading and .. not reading but talking.


i love the daily update, its (actually) really cool. keep it up. :)

Meghan said...

I'm so glad to hear from all of you! Whenever I come back home I start feeling like Pinocchio, as though I'm not really, really. Or maybe that Ave is Narnia, and my 'Home' just has no concept that the War Drobe in the land of Spare Oom is a real place. Anyway, I miss all of you.

Meghan said...

And yeah, some fake reading at a coffee shop sounds about ideal. We both need to ponder the likelihood in visiting, yes?

Brigid said...

ahh, visiting!!!

lets see... who has more to visit:

me: meghan

meghan: boyfriend, melissa, friends from AMC, potential although debatable "home"... oh yea, and squeeze me in there somewhere.

looks like we have a winner.
-- we should definitely talk about this.

Meghan said...

*ahem* touche. However, since your presence in the Ann Arbor area is limited AND YOU'LL BE IN EUROPE FOR ANOTHER FOUR MONTHS! I assure you, you are a far higher priority than the chart you have presented me with.

Anonymous said...

what about me??? count me in, coach! oh and by the way...wdmsch.
~ mona:-)

Anonymous said...

mona W. it's monI grant. "gosh!"