Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I stalk the fusty halls armed with a feather duster and an antidiluvean vacuum cleaner in the wistful attempt to restore some order and respectabilty to our school. Sure it's being closed right out from under us, but in the meantime, shall we wave away the chalk dust and the three year old memories of fuller times to have a decent looking spring semester? At least not let the coffee grounds mold in the coffee maker. Thank you.

In further news, it is good to be back. I am looking forward to further quality time with certain people.


Brigid said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Meg! I found your Blog!!! How excited are we?!?! See ya later!

Thomas Peters said...
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Thomas Peters said...


doesn't that mean "pre-flood"? how could it survive the flood? How is that even possible? I'm confused.

And hungry.


but mostly confused.