Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ash Wednesday

Like my esteemed colleague Kalishnikov, I hope to increase in moderation this Lenten season. (Can one increase in moderation? I wrote that it struck me as a contradiction in terms.) Anyway, I somehow have allowed this impenetrable bubble of Ave to become my prison, so in a counter-attack Monica, Natalie, and I are going to find a pertinant news story, read up on the subject and brief each other every day. Today's news story was an update on the avian flu which has apparently jumped species and infected a cat. Based on my research on the plague of Athens in 179 B.C. (I take little to no responsiblity on the exact date) from last semester that is definately not good news. For influenza to jump species means that it is indeed mutating. On the plus side, though, Mississippi, already one of the strictest states in abortion laws, is attempting to pass a ban on abortion (excepting abortions to save the mother's life).

And lastly, this is belated on two counts, but two delightful and devastingly handsome men just had birthdays on the 27th and the 28th. So happy birthday to both of you.


Anonymous said...

4 people definately told me I had 'dirt' on my head yesterday. And then proceeded to feel pretty silly when I explained to them the reasoning for the 'dirt' on my head...

Where there is gold... said...

You want me to ship you some chicken from here in France?

They just put a ban on it, but I think I could slip some to you if you want it.

In all seriousness though, people are getting pretty freaked over here.

Me, I don't mind a little pandemic every now and then I think it is good for a continent, wait I mean world. Yeah, let the weak chicken eaters die then us steak eaters will rule the world!

I hope your semester/lent is going well.

au revoir,

Anonymous said...

Do you still get on AIM? And if so, do you have a different screen name?

Meghan said...

Emily...don't mention the Shakespeare test. The Bard and I have a therapy session in the works for healing and forgiveness for all those who had to suffer the test.

Korie, still my name, but I'm hardly on. Leave me your name next time your on.

Black Mona said...

wow, there should really be a therapy session for all lit. majors....

Brigid said...

e-mail me.

Lady Lauren said...

Dear Lit. Majors. Don't worry, it will all be over one day--and then you may be awarded with the luxury / torture of not ever being able to finish a book (or even wanting to). I came close the other week; almost half-way through . . .