Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Inmates Have Taken Over the Asylum,

but my judgement may be impaired by my Stockholm Syndrome. I'm not sure.

I am locked in a severely transitional rut at this moment as I attempt to tie up all the loose ends that were cut loose in AMC so that I might complete my education at an accredited institution a.k.a. the University of Dallas. The main conclusion which I have come to is that tranferring is hard. However, it is made considerably more difficult when all of your professors are moving away to new jobs and the staff is swiftly downsized. You have a lot of conversations like this: "You need to get a signature from the financial aid department? Well, the entire office was just let go last week. Yeah, three people work for my college now. I know, funny, huh?" Bewildered pity from strangers over the phone is oddly comforting. However, certain things make the pain less acute like the promptness and reliabilty of professors like Dr. Beiting, silent sympathy from fellow AMC vets, and the assurance that one's college education cannot possibly get more convoluted than it is at present. I also comfort myself by watching my favorite show. I almost never remembered Arrested Development was on Sundays when it was on the air, but now I have it in handy DVD format, and Sean and I actually spend time in casting our friends in the roles in the show.

Michael: Did mother lock you out on the balcony?
Buster: That was partly my fault. I thought I saw a graham cracker out there.
Michael: You baited the balcony?!
Lucille: Prove it.