Monday, October 02, 2006

Love and a Gentle Heart Are But One Thing

Love and a gentle heart are but one thing,
as the philosopher in his sentence wrote;
so they without each other live dare not
as rational spirit without reasoning.

‘Tis nature, when in love, makes Love a king, 5
and in his mansion lodges then the heart,
wherein he rests, as in his habitat,
either in brief or lengthy slumbering.

Beauty in a wise lady then appears,
which so delights the eye, the heart is taken 10
with longings of the thing that pleases so;

and this delight at times so long endures
it makes Love’s very spirit soon awaken.
The same a woman feels about man’s awe.


Black Mona said...

lovely. it's windy about there?

Awesome Sean said...

The literary word is divided between Dante and Shakespeare, there is no other....

Meghan said...

As yes, the famous Eliot quote. I very much enjoy how we can discuss such things..."This poem, it makes me feel like love."