Tuesday, December 19, 2006


As I was pacing through the kitchen fully indulging in any symptoms of ADD I could clutch at in the efforts to avoid my work, it hit me just how little my life seems to change whenever I come home again. I feel as though I have matured far beyond my years until I fly back to the nest. The similarities between what I'm doing now and what I was doing last December is ridiculous:

  • Within ten hours I had a cathartic argument with my mom and now things are fine. I guess that's simply tradition at this point.
  • I am staying up all night to finish writing a paper which was extended for me. This is a leftover symptom of homeschooling when I could take the entire semester to write a ten page research paper. "Deadline! What the hell kind of wicked threat of torture is this 'Dead Line' of which you speak?"
  • My parents still don't have much more than condiments, milk and cayenne pepper in the fridge, and I rely on toast and tea to sustain myself through my self-inflicted all-nighter.
  • Every morning I make myself and whoever is around scrambled eggs and cappuccino.
  • The pets still follow me around like I'm wearing catnip. They're sleeping on the couch next to me right now and will follow me to my room as soon as I'm finished. (Sorry, Sean. That probably gave you an allergic reaction just thinking about it.)
  • I got an allergic reaction from a Brazil nut that touched the counter hours earlier. (Someone tell me what is festive about Brazil nuts, because Christmas is about the only time I see the little buggers.)
  • My sister still insists that I tag along on every shopping trip so she doesn't have to be lonely.

However, there are some changes which allow me to realize that time is not completely suspended in Walton Hills.

  • My parents are now officially health nuts so now they only have organic condiments, milk and cayenne pepper in the fridge.
  • The pets are fatter. And weirder.
  • I don't smoke anymore so the distractions have now filtered toward my laptop. Thank goodness I have iTunes.
  • My goddaughter Ava is so big! She's running now!
  • And finally, if anything I miss Sean more now than I ever did. I feel rather pale when I'm not with him.

And now, the distractions must come to an end so that I might finish my paper.


Black Mona said...

FABULOUS UPDATE, my dear! and good luck on your paper!

About the Author said...

Get that paper done already!!! And huge kudos for quitting!!! YAY!!!

Thomas Peters said...

delightful prose.

Anonymous said...

Plus side- You got a bear that looks like me. We had another of our deep all-over-the-place conversations (at Starbucks now, because gosh it’s cold!!) Also we get to put on pretty dresses and laugh, because honestly, who ever thought *I* would get married?!?!
Also, as I type this, I know I’m going to see you shortly and we’ll have a beer with Tom Long.

Glad you’re back home.

<3 Shannie