Monday, January 08, 2007

Call Me Crazy

...or just call me.

I just deleted an entire post that was completely and totally inane. Due to the lack of ready access to the internet, my creativity in my blog has dwindled to a trickle. Though my much loved critic of my blogging frequency is likewise MIA in his blog. Hmm? However, I will attempt (for the second time!) to fulfill his request.

To begin with, my primary goal this break was to relax after a rather draining semester. Within this intense (and ultimately exhusting) work I have been working all the intellectual faculites of my brain in planning the achievements of each of my future goals.


It will require all the strain and hard work such as I have exhibited over this break, but I'm sure I will be successful in the end.

1 comment:

Black Mona said...

haha....lovin' it, LOVIN' it.